We are experiencing a critical error on our site, and the root PHP error log is reporting the following: “PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare _wp_multiple_block_styles() (previously declared in /home/intens5/public_html/wp-includes/deprecated.php:4455) in /home/intens5/public_html/wp-includes/blocks.php on line 1240.” We have tried renaming the plugins ...
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I am uncertain if this is the proper forum, but if anyone is available to assist, I have three warnings that require resolution. Array offset on value of type null in /data/web/1/000/080/873/332806/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/wp-helpers/wp-helpers.php on line 132 Warning: Trying to access array ...
로날드 R. 뱅크스
Asked: In: 워드프레스 오류
나는 거기에 있었고이 wordpress 오류를 만났는데 왜이 오류가 계속 나타나는지 잘 모르시겠습니까? 치명적 오류: /home/doradzam/domains/doradzamwit.pl/public_html/wp의 use_block_editor_for_post()(이전에 /home/doradzam/domains/doradzamwit.pl/public_html/wp-includes/post.php:8067에서 선언됨)를 재선언할 수 없습니다. -admin/includes/post.php 라인 2152 이 문제를 어떻게 고칠 수 있는지 알려주세요...
I don’t know exactly when my website is down, I am unable to restore it currently, I have tried to delete all the plugins, and I ...