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Eu instalei uma versão nula do plug-in de envio baseado em carrinho de woocommerce, mas ele não atende às minhas necessidades e, em seguida, removi esse plug-in, no entanto, o site está fora do ar. Fica dando erro, por favor...
Eu encontrei esse problema o tempo todo, tão confuso que ainda estou tendo o mesmo erro. Alguém pode ajudar?
How can I get rid of this elementor error on my wordpress website? It keeps coming out with fatal error. If anyone can help me solve out the problem, much appreciated.
I would like to fetch the current logged In user data in a custom PHP file in my wordpress website, Here is the code I use, but it seems that it does not function. I wish someone helps ...
I just have added some wordpress plugins recently, and then I modified the file: page.php of the responsiveness theme. I also host a webail client and a web application on my hosting. However when I go to localhost, ...
I am new to wordpress and was encountered the Warning: Undefined array key 5408 in C:\xampp\htdocs\Bridge\wp-includes\nav-menu-template.php on line 210, is there any solution for me to fix this issue?
I would like to create a WordPress Plugin to add some css of a website, the css only takes effected when the plugin is activated. Is there any good idea? Is there any documentation I can take to ...
I just set up a wordpress website with 150 posts of a custom post type. On the single pages of each post, I want to have a “Previous” and “Next” to let readers read more post on my ...
My wordpress website is http based since it was built 10 days ago, today I have bought a SSL and install it. When I try to redirect it to the https on Settings->General, I get an error secure ...