Hi there, I am having issues with my website today, my website was down, and no matter which link I visit, it keeps showing a critical error, I am having a hard time logging in, it was failed all the time. It would be great if someone help me in this issue. Any suggestion to help me figure out this error. Really appreciated.
I think you should deactivate all the plugins if you want access to your dashboard. If you can’t access to your website dashboard, please try to reset the plugins folder by SFTP/FTP or PhpMyAdmin.
How to use phpMyAdmin to deactivate all plugins.
1.In the table wp_options, under the option_name column (field) find the active_plugins row
2.Please change the option_value field to: a:0:{}
How to use FTP to deactivate all plugins:
This method preserves plugin options but requires plugins be manually reactivated.
1.Via FTP or your host’s file manager, navigate to the wp-contents folder (directory)
2.Via FTP or your host’s file manager, rename the folder “plugins” to “plugins.hold”
3.Login to your WordPress admin plugins page (/wp-admin/plugins.php) – this will disable any plugin that is “missing”.
4.Via FTP or your host’s file manager, rename “plugins.hold” back to “plugins”